IQS Engineering Solutions

Infinite Possibilities...


The Tesla of Non-Ferrous Forging

Published on 2023-07-26

Chapter 1: The Tesla Approach - Innovation Unleashed

Tesla's approach has always been synonymous with innovation unleashed. They questioned traditional norms, daring to challenge the combustion engine status quo. With an unyielding focus on cutting-edge technology and sustainable solutions, Tesla redefined transportation and brought electric vehicles into the mainstream. Their ability to adapt, evolve, and embrace change has been key to their success.

Chapter 2: Principles that Propel Tesla Forward

At the core of Tesla's principles lies an unshakable commitment to precision engineering, unwavering quality, and customer-centricity. Every Tesla vehicle embodies excellence, engineered to perfection with obsessive attention to detail. Tesla's dedication to their customers, coupled with timely deliveries and customization options, creates an unmatched experience for those behind the wheel.

Chapter 3: IQS - The Tesla Spirit in Non-Ferrous Forging

In a realm far from electric vehicles, IQS embraces the Tesla spirit in the non-ferrous forging industry. Like Tesla, IQS thrives on innovation and precision engineering, crafting forgings and castings that push the boundaries of what's achievable. Their commitment to excellence and guaranteed quality ensures that every product that leaves their facility meets and exceeds industry standards.

Chapter 4: Customer-Centricity as the Driving Force

Just as Tesla places customers at the centre of their universe, IQS embarks on a similar journey, understanding the unique needs of its clients. Collaborating closely with its customers, IQS creates tailor-made solutions, sparking innovation across various sectors. This customer-driven approach establishes a foundation of trust and mutual success.

Chapter 5: Lighting the Path to Sustainability

Tesla's vision extends beyond vehicles, seeking to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. Emulating this vision, IQS minimizes its carbon footprint with eco-friendly practices. Through the implementation of Solar Panels, Rainwater Harvesting, and Energy-efficient Heating Systems, IQS Engineering Solutions strives to reduce pollution and minimize environmental impact, contributing to a cleaner and more responsible future.


Guided by principles that drive excellence, IQS Engineering stands at the forefront of non-ferrous forging, leading with pioneering innovation. Drawing inspiration from Tesla, IQS forges its unique path, emphasizing on precision engineering, customer-centricity, and a commitment to sustainability. As one of India's leading and trusted forging and casting manufacturers, IQS caters to diverse product segments, including Brass Forgings, Aluminium Forgings, Copper Forgings, Bronze Forgings, Aluminium Casting, and Brass Casting. With a vertically integrated facility encompassing the entire process under one roof, we leave an indelible mark on industries, propelling progress towards exceptional possibilities for the future.